Isfendiyar ( Khan Shushinski) Aslan oglu Javanshir is from Javanshirs generation.
Cavanşirlər nəslinin tari
History of the Javanshir clan is very ancient.
Let us look at this history: « Origin of the Javanshir clan people are from Turkestan, Oshirkhan tribes. Yildiz khan is the 4th son of Oghuz and Orishkhan is the son of Yildiz, they are called as ``Ovshar`` and `` Afshār``. Avshar are a branch of the Turkic Oghuz groups. As Mogol law Javanshir clan is the right arm - Javangar. Javangar - right arm, Berangar - left arm. In peace periods Javangars sit in the right side of the khan and They must fight in war time in the right arm of the army. Javanshir and Oshirkhan clan belong to hundred twenty thousands troops which Hulagu khan brought from Turkestan with himself. They have stayed in places where they wanted and have begun to live. You can see this information in the «Zikri-hali Əmir İbrahim xan Cavanşir» part of the «Rövzəfis-səfa» work of Iranian historian Rzagulu Khan Hidayet. Folklorist scientist Salman Mumtaz have translated this part from Persian into Azerbaijan. Historian Journalis Vafis Guliyev has presented this short information to reader on 15 April, 2011 number of ```Shusha`` newspaper in the ``Javanshirs`` article. Some examples from the same article:
In the second half of the 13th century Hulagu Khan grandson of Genghis Khan, founder of the Ilkhanate dynasty, He destroyed the Abbasid Caliphate, he added Afganistan, Turkmanistan, Caucasian, Anatolia and another territories to composition of state.
The purpose of strengthen his authority , he settled courageous and warlike Turk tribes such as Afshar, Gajar, Kengerli ans Javanshir in Irag, Russian Suria.
Approximately after half century half another Turkish conqueror Emir Timur, historically known as Tamerlane attacks to Analotia and Caucasian. Timur invaded Anatolia and defeated Bayezid in the Battle of Ankara on 20 July 1402. He moved Javanshirs and Gajars to Karabakh.
He settled Gajars around Berde and Shemkir city, Javanshirs from Berde city till to Araz river. Majority of the Turkic population consists of Javanshir kin.
When Azerbaijani language develop «cavanğar» words changes and has according to phonetic rule of our language, became word as «Cavanşir».
It was short information about the history of the Javanshir generation.
Now referring to the same historical facts we note representatives from this genealogy with succession:
At the I Shah Abbas time Ibrahim Khalil khan Javanshir. From this generation Mirze Huseyn bey and Alikhan Bey Javanshir brothers were the ruler of Javanshir clan and clan of Otuz-Iki (meaning thirty-two in Azerbaijani) at the end of the 16th century.
Panah Ali Khan was from the Sarijali branch of the clan of Javanshir, Khalil khan Javanshir`s father. Panah Ali bey served at the court of Ganja beylerbeys but later he came back to his homeland, married, he had a son by the name of Ali. They called Ali as Sarija Ali because of he was blonde. In the course of time population of this kin have increased and have named as ``Sarija kin``
Panah-Ali khan – 1693-1763
Ibrahim Khalil khan Javanshir - his father Panah-Ali khan Javanshir -1721-1806
II Talibkhan bey - his father Panah-Ali khan Javanshir -19th century
Children of the Talibkhan bey –Huseynqulu agha Javanshir and Munevver Khanum Javanshir
First son of the Ibrahim Khalil khan - Mammad Hasan agha Javanshir (1766-1806) his mother daughter of the military leader Javanshir - Khanum
Second son of the Ibrahim Khalil khan - Mehdiqulu agha - his mother, daughter of the Shahverdi Khan, sister of the Javad khan from Ganja is Khurshudbeyim.
Daughters and sons of Ibrahim Khalil khan: Khanlar agha, Ahmed agha, Mammadgasim agha, Abbasgulu agha,Agabeyim, Tububeyim, Bakhshi khanum, Tububeyim, Kichikbeyim, Seltenetbeyim, Govhersine, Ebulfet agha, Huseyngulu bey, Feteli bey
Son of Ibrahim Khalil Khan - Mahammadhasan agha`s children (1766-1806). Jafargulu bey, Shukurulla bey, Khanjan agha - their mother daughter of II shahvedi Khan Ziyad oglu Gajar - Kheyransa khanum
Son of Mahammadhasan agha, grandchild of Ibrahim Khalil Khan, great-grandchild of Panahali Khan - Khanjan agha 1792
Son Khanjan agha, grandchild of Mahammadhasan agha, great grandchild of Ibrahim Khalil Khan, great-great-grandchild of Panahali khan - Mahmud agha 1825
Son of Mahmud agha, Grandchild of Khanjan agha, great grandchild of Mahammadhasan agha, great-great-grandchild Ibrahim Khalil agha, Aslan agha who is from generation of Panahali Khan, 1865
Son of Aslan agha, grandchild of Mahmug agha, great grandchild of Khanjan agha, great-great-grandchild of Mahammad hasan agha, Isfendiyar - Khan Shushinski who is from generation Ibrahim Khalil agha and Panahali Khan -1901 - 1979
Children of Khan Shushinski
Beyimkhnaum Javanshirova - 05.08.1958
Zumrud Javanshirova - 23.08.1960
Aslan Javanshirov - 07.01.1962
Seadet Javanshirova - 01.08.1964